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Friday, April 9, 2010

hey ppl knwn as humans...hw hav you guys been? sry i havent been updating for quite sometime. been vry busy n mainly, lazy. hahas busy n lazy shld nt go together hahas. so lets see wats been happening for the past week or so...

well, on wed my class n 2 of the sec 5 classes went for this Singapore History trip or smthing like tat. went to the Supreme Court which was super awesome. felt like i was in a spaceship..Ooooo hahas. went all the way up to the umm 8th floor if im nt wrong on the observation deck n saw like the whole civil district, sort of...oh btw, u knw the IR thing opposite the esplanade rite. it looks like the titanic jus landed on top of the three buildings HAHAS...seriously, go n take a peek...anyways, the rest of the trip was boring so gt nthing much to say abt tat trip...the supreme court super super super tight security man...even better than the airport hahas

okay, recent events ummm. well, had the geo CT today n lucky i study cuz wat i study did come out except for tat damn last question on the case studies...freaking paper, argh i must nt fail again. so mtl was gd cuz for 45 min, a few of us were at the CPA lab doing a survey which was like damn fast n easy...so for the last 15 min, we jus slacked in the class rm hahas. ummm, eng was interesting. ms chye went ballastic with daniel n the group(Yes!!they gt wat they deserved)...so she switched everyone's places n i moved 4 freaking times! more than anyone else...frm front all the way to the back, n nw i'll b seating with andre for eng so it isnt tat bad cuz he's a gd guy, jus with the wrong company tats all. During prayers jus nw, met up with fareez in the mosque...had fun talking to him smthing abt poly CCA hahas, u wanna knw jus ask me personally nt here hahas. VA was okay as usual, did compre for eng, practical n worksheet for phy so nthing much...gt back home like around, 6.20+ so wasnt tat late...went out with my mom n her frends to hav dinner bt it extended till like frm 7 till 9.45 so i couldnt go joggin with galvin(sry man)...n here i am, talking abt recent events hahas. its like someone's watching frm above n tat person is me hahas get it?? nvm if u dont...so tats my week, my 'interesting' week hahas

gt religious class tmr so get to hang out with adam b4 tat n own him in street fighter IV HAHAS...tuition shld b fun tmr i think so nthing new here really except for the black shirt i bought frm Cotton On...it looks like wat edward wore in new moon the first part bt darker of course hahas...well, gtg guys...talk to ya sn...byes

Monday, March 22, 2010

hey ppl, im back frm my holiday hahas...cant really tell much abt it cuz im nt in the mood to talk abt it nw...if u wanna knw hws my trip then ask me personally hahas. however, i do gt some pics to show u guys...here they are...
our ummm, wat'd u call tat...rooms??hahas

my messy rm...hahas...shared it with my cuz


me n my cat frendly cousin hahas...

my ummm...jus learned how to drive cousin hahas

well, tats all for nw folks hahas...will try to talk more abt my trip to tioman more in my nxt post...latr

Monday, March 15, 2010

heylooo humans....hahas, heyloo is a combo of of 'hey' n 'hello'...learned it frm natasha hahas, my gd buddy. well, i wont b blogging for three days frm nw...going ovr to tioman, i think tats hw its spelled hahas...going there with my cousins n without my mom, she's going to phuket with her sch till sun i think so i'll b ovr at my cousin's place for quite awhile...tats gd news, get to spend time with my cuz bt bad news is....


so i'll jus hav to do it once im back home safely...gonna do it all the way once im back, gonna sleep late on tat day of course...if i can. For ppl who love me, pls pls give me ur hope n luck hahas, pls!!

thnx, well im signing off for nw...i'll show u guys the pics of the trip once im back kays...latr

Saturday, March 13, 2010

hey guys, gt nthing much to say...jus had a normal day. guys, here's a little tip i've learned...

Friends, choose them well. The choice you make will affect not only the present but the future as well. Losing a friend is a hard thing to go through but thats life and I'm sure that everyone loses at least one friend. This event is inevitable, everyone goes throught it. Its life, that's just the way things are. To conclude, friends are part of your life. No matter how much you avoid it, they'll always be in ur life.

its long bt i hope it gets through to everyone, it isnt meant for anyone in particular. Life's short so live it well. Ironic isn't it, how ppl go through surgeries and all tat jus to avoid looking old, but they can't avoid the one inevitable event, and that is growing old n dying...ha

n honestly, i dont knw why im talking abt this topic hahas, mayb cuz of my mood...well, just hope things lighten up for me

Friday, March 12, 2010

hey guys...i jus feel really terrible nw n i realised tat i've haven been keeping my word...so this post is for all my best friends out there...past, present n even, future...

this is for you,

i'll never leave you no matter what, i promise to love you guys till forever , i'll treasure you with all my heart and i'll protect you guys till your heart stops beating...

i hope this msg gets sent out to everyone i knw in love...n i'm sry for everything.

Thank You...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

hey guys, wow had a hell of a day today...

first, i woke up at 9.05am when im suppose to wake up at 8.15am!!tat sucked even though my mom woke me up at exactly 8.15....im such an ass

second, was suppose to b at DA by 9.30 bt gt there at 10 due to me waking up DAMN LATE!!!ARGH...!!!

third,......i guess tats it hahas

well, here r the bright sides of today....


two, gt to b with my IT guys jus nw at DA....

three, gt to knw tat galvin is in love with all the past n present power rangers n masked rider theme songs hahas...

four, gt to b with fadzhana for a few hours aft DA...


well, yeah tats it hahas, nthing more....well, still gt e-learning to do tmr so cya...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

hey ppl...wat a day i had today.damn interesting bt tiring day hahas. well, woke up at 8.15 feeling vry tired n sleepy of course. didn't eat breakfast thought so one reason y i was tired for the day, guess it is the most important meal of the day hahas.left the house at 10.30 wearing white t-shirt, black jeans, black n white sneakers n a black blazer...vry formal as im going for a wedding, nt mine if anyone's wondering hahas. went ovr to serangoon to pick up fadzhana n we called the others to see where they were...jus incase u were wonderin', the others r my frends frm religious class n the wedding we're attending was our teacher's...oh n fadzhana was invited by me as she's nt in my religious class bt i can bring anyone i wan to.

let's continue, the others were like all the way at kranji n the wedding's at kovan, so both of us were like a stop away only...the others wanted to take all the way to jurong east, then all the way to dhoby ghaut then ALL the way to kovan...we were like WTH!!! it'll take like more than an hour to get there, cuz they're stupid enough to forget abt the circle line, DUH!! bt in the end they went back towards bishan to take the circle line...lucky us hahas. so fadzhana n i jus w8ed at kovan for them to arrive....w8ed for at least 45 min according to fadzhana...

while w8ing, we saw the other group came bt we didn't folo them up jus yet, we w8ed for the others to come...which was jus a few mins aft tat hahas...at first, we like took the bus all the way to hougang which was like damn far n we gt lost...then some of us took the taxi while others, including me n fadzhana took the bus back to kovan...once at kovan again, we walked all they way one round behind heartland mall n we reached.in summary, we wasted 2 hrs finding the place when its jus a 15 min walk away frm where we started..hahas

aft attending the wedding, my frend's parents agreed to give me n fadzhana a lift to orchard as we were going to watch the movie dear john...we bought the tickets n we walked around ION. i, well we found jackets for me to wear..leather jackets mostly bt vry cheap n i hav in mind wat i want to buy once i hav the $$...thnx fadzhana for helping me.

aft tat, we went back to lido n watched dear john...wanna knw smthing vry weird, nt only tat we wathced at the same theater when we watched transformers 2 abt 7 months ago bt, we sat exactly at the same place!!damn coincidence n i was feeling really paranoid...ARGH!!!

movie lasted 2 hrs solid n we went back aft tat...nthing much to say nw so interesting day bt really tiring...well, i gtg. latr...


Name: Iky
Known as: Cody
Age: 15+
Birthday: 22.05.94
Species: Vampire/Human
Coven: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Daily Quotes: Believe in yourself or else, no one else will

Coven Members

Huan Lin



September 2009
November 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010