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Saturday, September 26, 2009

WAT'S UP PPL!!!....hahas

i feel so alive 2day as i feel like everything is going jus the way i like it...anyways, i tell u wat i did 2day...woke up at 10.35, feeling abit drowsy as usual bt tat didn't stop me frm being excited abt 2day...showered at 11.30, gt dress in my white t-shirt n blue shirt wif dark blue jeans...left the house at 12.15 n off i went to Assyafiq's place...once i was at his door, he said this

Assyafiq: Eh, u scared the cat away huh?
Me: ya...y???
Assyafiq: ...(giving me the vry pissed off look)
Me: What?! what'd i do...
Assyafiq: Nvm

at first i tot it was his cat bt it was actually his neighbour's cat...we went to his room n i saw his electric guitar...obviously he was practicing b4 i came. it was black n red in color...it's the V-shaped type...simple n vintage...he gt me a drink n aft tat, we started playin Warriors Orochi 2...first played co-op then VS mode...it was an even match nthing much...then we gt on the ps2 n played guitar hero world tour...haven played it in ages, he played it in expert while i played it in medium...first song he beat me, repeated the song...i gt better bt he still beat me...*sigh*

aft tat i tot him hw to play DJ Max...he's diff then all of u...he started on a lv 10 song at speed 3!! he passed it bt broke like 4x only...he transfered some stuff frm my psp 2 his while i played Bully on his ps2...i gt dentention like siao. n im tellin u, u do nt wan 2 get dentention...hahas

left his place at around 2.45 n went to my mom's frend's place...stayed there 4 half an hour n went home to change...aft tat, straight i went to fadzhana's house...gt there around 3.40 like tat(the expected time...to me tat is). gt to meet her 2nd bro(at last)...cool guy, plain simple n he alrdy knws me i think...saw her sister n she said tat i looked taller(which is true hehes...don't deny it fadzhana). didn't eat, jus sat dwn n talked to her aunt n uncle or family rather n i realised tat they bully her a lot...lol

been drinking only all the way nt eating at all...latr, her baby cousin came to me n frm tat point onwards, i was his babysitter...he held my finger wherever he went.it was kinda weird as im jus a stranger 2 him n he treats me as if i was he's actual babysitter...let me shw the pic fadz took when i was holding him...

yup...tats him, the pic isn't clear cuz he was moving a lot....

he even gav me some off his M&Ms...by 6+, i finally ate while watching singapore idol in her rm...she gav me kickapoo n i told her i didn't wan any drink...she left the rm n i continued eating...when she gt back, the kickapoo was half empty, hmm...hw did tat happen...hahas i left the house at around 8+. she sent me all the way to the mrt platform, its nt tat i don't knw hw to get there otherwise hw would u explain me getting to her house...said 2 much...

so tat's it 4 my wonderful day...really feel sad 4 fadilah.she really wanted 2 folo me...no worries, she'll jus hav 2 w8 4 nxt year or some other time...times flies by fast doesn't it hahas. k guys, cya wouldn't ya...


Friday, September 25, 2009

hey guys, im back...sry abt yesterday, my mom seriously needed the com so i had 2 end quick.lets c...where were we yesterday hmmm...oh ya, my raya pics hehes...lets continue the show shall we...

here i m wif my favourite cousins....

this is my baby cousin...okay mayb nt so baby, she's turning 5 this year

our last house, my cousin's house, the guy in the frm the first pic frm the last post(not me)
yup, we're slacking...jus feeling so so tired tat time

this was taken on the 2nd day(by me duh...) i knw, i was trying to act cool
n look, im nt wearing baju kurung...i'll explain y bellow

reason y i didn't wear baju kurung on the 2nd day was i slept ovr at my cuz place(the last house i went on the first day) n i didn't hav anything left 2 wear except that, so wat de heck...wherever i went on the 2nd day, i was always the odd one out...kinda suspected tat bt as Fallout Boy sings,

'I don't care what u think as long as its abt me...'

hahas...so 2 sum up, i had a great time during the first 2 days of hari raya...so let's c wat i did 2day...

well, i left class as usual n saw dillion, astley, jia wei n andy standing outside GO...dillion jia wei n astley had to stay back n had to serve 2 hrs of detention cuz they did smthing bad...naughty naughty as some might say( not gonna mention names...ermm, fadzhana)...went to the library wif emily n jovial bt didn't walk wif them, walked wif andy half way as alex appeared out of nowhere...library was full so went to mac to study...had lunch, did A maths nthing much...

around 4+, went to amk hub n tried to find the nike shoes i wanted so badly...found it bt it was diff color bt it cost the same price like i saw the last time...went straight home aft tat n well, here i m...blogging abt wat happened 2day...tat's the story of my life...so im done n im going off nw, i'll probably won't b blogging in awhile 4 the nxt 2 weeks or more cuz EOY is coming n need to study study study...hehes...so cya, wouldn't wanna b ya...


Thursday, September 24, 2009

hey ppl, apologize 4 nt updating my blog 4 the past no idea hw many days...been kinda busy studying and well, mainly vry lazy to blog...so, lets c wat to talk abt or rather blog abt...hmm, oh ya...HARI RAYA!! hahas...

well to start off, IT WAS A BLAST...i got to meet my cousins again...twin cousins in fact. i really missed them. and seriously, being wif them really makes me happy...let me show u hw they look like...

there they are, the guy beside me is my other cousin...younger than me of course
pic was taken months ago when i was going off 4 Germany
i had a bad hair day as u can c

these are the pics frm hari raya...

this is me and my favourite cousin...hehes

me n my fav cuz again...

as u can c, we're vry close n miss each other...

me n my mom...

these r my aunts n uncles...n my mom all the way to the right

me n my cousins...

okay guys, i gtg...i'll put in more pics tmr k.....byes

Saturday, September 12, 2009

hey ppl, sry didn't blog 4 the past week....been vry busy...so lets c, where shall i begin...i knw, wed...so, it was 8.15 in the morning.gt woken up by my mom, showered and off we go to JB. bt b4 tat, picked up my grandmother n her frend. gt 2 JB at around 10 or 11...haven been there in awhile so a lot has changed.complicated customs*sigh*...

first, we went 2 pick up my mom's dress 4 hari raya...she said its been like since january she sent it 2 b tailored or made...watever, jus take it like its been a long time...aft tat, went to the larkin market...hey, it rhymes...anyway, jus bought some stuff, nt much...aft tat, went back home...kinda short rite? the trip i mean...once i gt back, my mom went to sleep bt i didn't cuz i slept on the way back...did some stuff on the com n aft tat nthing much happened...

reflection 4 my trip...a lot of one way streets, n my mom accidentally went into the one way street...2 times, luckily nobody saw us...

change topic, finally..THE HOLIDAYS ARE OVER!!! its somehw scary, cuz of exams, and happy, cuz im done wif boredom...

one more thing, im sooo w8ing 4 the following week 2 past cuz in a week's time is....HARI RAYA!!!YEAH....n tat only means one thing...money, money, money....hahas okay nt jus tat, i get to b wif my cousins or rather my family...its gonna b great even though our routine is always the same every darn year...

okays...nw 4 recent events, umm...gt it, abt an hour ago i sprained my left ankle while playing basketball alone...it still hurts bt i figured it'll only b recovered like around tues?? so sch's gonna b tough 4 me...im nt sure wat im wearing 4 sch, sch shoes or slippers...anyways, gtg...catch ya latr...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Argh...i hate this...its exactly the same feeling like during last december holidays...i'll describe it in one word: BOREDOM u guys agree?? im like doing my e-learning n i question myself...wat the hell am i doing...n tmr is gonna b another long long long day...gt nthing, jus sitting at home watching tv, staring at the ceiling n then wat...*sigh*

jus the other day, i was thinking abt my future n im telling u...my future won't b my future as long as i can't make my own choices...word of advice, don't b like me...

u knw sometimes, i dream of my life being wat i wan it to b...n i knw tat it'll nvr come true...

okay enough of my boring life...lets talk abt last fri, galvin came to my place...well, we only did one thing at home n tat is: PLAYING HALO 2...i knw lame...well, we played like frm 12+ till abt 4.30...all the way, we've been playing co-op...half way playing this is wat happen...

Me: Eh, we battle each other la...vry boring sia...
Galvin: Don't want!!..latr u thrash me...

yup, its true...i ALWAYS win him in halo...he said tat my targeting is gd(haha)...oh ya i 4got, i actually invited andy to come ovr also bt last min he said,

Andy: iky...i think i nt going to ur house...i going out...
Me: wat de...u surely go out wif MP rite??
Andy: No la...

bt im sure he did, don't lie to me n galvin andy....well, *sigh* time to go...i guess i'll write soon...latr :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

well, another day has passed and i hate to admit it bt im starting to miss sch...hanging out wif my frends, my every morning routine...*sigh* nw i hav to w8 a whole week b4 i can get that sch feeling again...so, its early in the morning n my mom's still asleep, i think. in abt 3 hrs time i'll b going 4 religious class...nt saying its a bad thing bt its jus vry...i don't knw. anyways, gtg..mom needs the com...talk latr probably at nite??

Thursday, September 3, 2009

okay...let's see nw...e-learning sucks, im bored to death, e-learning sucks, wish i could go out wif frends....and oh guess wat....E-LEARNING SUCKS!!...so, basically im just relaxing at home wasting my time doing nthing(besides e-learning). Overall, the holidays r hear 4 me so that's a gd sign except 4 all the damn homework...bt its gd 4 me cuz exams r coming soon n i need to study study n more studying...well, gtg back to doing, ARGH...hate saying this word, E-LEARNING...pheww...Latr:)


Name: Iky
Known as: Cody
Age: 15+
Birthday: 22.05.94
Species: Vampire/Human
Coven: Unknown
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Daily Quotes: Believe in yourself or else, no one else will

Coven Members

Huan Lin



September 2009
November 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010